Subconscious Mind and Affirmations

We all somehow know about our Conscious mind. Even if we have not thought about the same till now. But if asked we can make it out that whatever we know ~ the feeling, thinking, doing everything makes our conscious mind. With conscious mind we effort consciously.

But have we ever thought about subconscious mind. Or have we ever paid attention as to from where a thought came which did not seem like our own. We don’t most of the time and start dwelling in that thought also. Thinking it and at times living it through thoughts.

The same way we can see in our life that a person who conditioned to seeking God or Divine will meet people, circumstances and things that will draw him/her towards one’s ideas. And other person who is conditioned to addiction in any form as in drinking alcohol or smoking will get friends, bar and vendors who supply these beliefs more. There might never be a conscious effort from both these category of people but they will attract the said situations.

So, this is where our subconscious mind plays its part. The above is a small example of how it works.

Subconscious mind can be said to be a mother board of a computer that has in store everything that we have seen, heard, thought and experienced throughout our different lifetimes in different dimensions!!!!! Till now physical science has only been able to tell us that it’s 90% of our brain and we are not conditioned to use it (read~Control it!!!!!). This 90% of our brain constitute of our subconscious mind. The literal meaning of this word can be Below Awareness i.e. What one is not aware of.


The Subconscious mind is programmed by everything that we have experienced, thought, felt and did in our earlier life times. It does not have the capacity to discern between good and bad or true and false. It is just mere programming that is going on working 24*7 for you. And that is the reason why many things in our life happen and we say, “I have not even thought of that”. You consciously might not have, but you can’t say that subconsciously you have not. Many a times after the body sleeps the subconscious mind plays it’s part in taking the soul to places not suitable. So nightmares follow…… Subconscious mind works on many dimensions. And so it’s very important to change the pre programmed pattern of the same.


At this time when divine wisdom is not patronized by few only, we all realize at least this that, We our self are the center of the Universe!!!! Microcosm working in the same way as Macrocosm in creating our own life. Everything in our life is our own belief, faith and thoughts!!!!! Thoughts are manifested big time. So the choices are only in us and by us. So reprogramming our subconscious mind is indeed necessary.

Some of the ways to control your subconscious mind is through meditation, healthy work pattern or disciplined lifestyle, positive affirmations and keeping good company.

Here we will talk about Affirmations. Affirmations are actually a form of mantra used for our subconscious mind. As earlier stated that subconscious mind is what has all the information of our previous lifetimes. Our thoughts, emotions, vows, secrets and what not. And since physical science has still not be able to decipher the secrets of subconscious mind so affirmations are the best possible solution.

Affirmations are a way to negate the negativity in us and cancel, clear and delete the particular thought or emotion which is creating a whole lot of blockage in our Aura and thus in our life. Energies do not differentiate between our professional and personal life. Also the distinction between relationship, emotional or physical issues are less. When negative energies play in our life they are mostly creating blockages in all of our life. So many people who have physical issues have emotional problems, relationship problems and what not. Many people say that this is the effect of negativity in one area playing havoc in others. But actually it’s not more than a confirmation that the negativity either created by the person himself/herself or the contents of subconscious mind playing their part!!!!!!

Also Affirmations are the right kind of mantra to put a full stop on the negative thoughts which barrage every time we are free. Affirmations not only help us heal our thoughts and some part of subconscious mind, it also helps in clearing our Aura to a certain extent.

One of my clients once told me, “What are these? Lies? When I am not happy I need to affirm that I am happy? How rude is that. Being untrue to oneself”. This statement is a kind of blockage many can have who do not know their true nature. It’s always said that we are not humans having a physical experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. This is easier said than believed. But when you start to live a spiritually uplifting life you know more and then you with your own experience realise this. Till that time we must remember that thoughts have great power. Affirmations are not lies. They simply are a message that we are sending to our thoughts on microcosmic level and to the Universe on macrocosmic level. When we are sending signals/message so our own thoughts will change and the thoughts of Universe will also change according to our beliefs and then things will start changing for the better.

Our thoughts make our Universe and our World. So it’s upon us what we choose from. Affirmations are not a promise that everything that will happen in our life will be good according to our standards or the social standard. But it drives a change in our energy, in our attitude and in our outlook which helps us know our highest good and act accordingly. And when all dimensions of ours are aligned we work wonders.

Also if affirmations are not spoken with right emotions~ feelings, it does not work. With healing Affirmations work wonders too. It’s because of the fact that the person who is taking healing i.e. the healee should have the capacity to take in the healing energies. If we keep Karma aside then the other important thing that works are our programmed thoughts in our subconscious mind. So when we start doing affirmations along with getting healing done then energies start to work in a doubly charged manner. Healing heals our Karmas and our emotions and thoughts and affirmations start healing our subconscious mind again healing our emotions and thoughts. And so the rapid change in situations………….

Some positive affirmation to make your life good is here. Enjoy…………..




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